Investigation of onychomycosis prevalence in patients with psoriasis

Abstract in English

113 psoriatic patients participated in the study. The patients were selected from the Dermatology and Venereology department at Alasad hospital in Lattakia city between 2012-2013 years. Mycological examination was carried out in all patients showing psoriatic nail changes .The aim of the study is to evaluate : the frequency of nail changes in psoriatic patients, the frequency of onychomychosis in patients with nail psoriasis and the factors that may have a role in the incidence of onychomcosis in patients with nail psoriasis. Nail changes were seen in (61.9%) of psoriatic patients (70 patients). Positive mycological cultures were obtained from 34 patients (48.6%). There was an increase of the incidence of onychomycosis in patients with high levels of NAPSI and long duration of psoriasis and nail psoriasis. There was a relationship between onychomycosis and the age of the patient. We found an increase of the incidence of onychomycosis among the patients who had a systemic therapy for psoriasis (methotrexate,cyclosporine) and the patients who had a history of contusion on nails. There was no relationship between onychomychosis and the gender of the patient. This study confirmed that onychomycosis may occur in patients with nail psoriasis

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