Intra Uterine System for management of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Pre-menopause

Abstract in English

The study comprised 85 patients between 40-48 years old ,those have complained of DUB as either menorrhagia ,hyper menorrhea or both, the study was divided to : Group A(50 patients): were given Norethisterone orally 5mg*3/daily for 6 months. Group B (35 patients ):whose IUS was inserted for them and followed up for 1 year. -The commonest side effect in GA was discomfort from taking the medicine 3times daily for long times (70%)while in GB was lower abdominal pain and low back pain(28,85%). -The necessity to discontinue the treatment in GA was (61%)while in GB was(5,7%).- -The improvement in Hemoglobin concentrate was better in GB than GA .- -The successful of treatment was( 76% )in GA while( 88,35% ) in GB .- -The total abdominal hysterectomy rate was( 22%) in GA while in GB( 8,55%)

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