De-identification of Privacy-related Entities in Job Postings

Abstract in English

De-identification is the task of detecting privacy-related entities in text, such as person names, emails and contact data. It has been well-studied within the medical domain. The need for de-identification technology is increasing, as privacy-preserving data handling is in high demand in many domains. In this paper, we focus on job postings. We present JobStack, a new corpus for de-identification of personal data in job vacancies on Stackoverflow. We introduce baselines, comparing Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Transformer models. To improve these baselines, we experiment with BERT representations, and distantly related auxiliary data via multi-task learning. Our results show that auxiliary data helps to improve de-identification performance. While BERT representations improve performance, surprisingly vanilla'' BERT turned out to be more effective than BERT trained on Stackoverflow-related data.

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