Domain Adaptation for Hindi-Telugu Machine Translation Using Domain Specific Back Translation

Abstract in English

In this paper, we present a novel approachfor domain adaptation in Neural MachineTranslation which aims to improve thetranslation quality over a new domain.Adapting new domains is a highly challeng-ing task for Neural Machine Translation onlimited data, it becomes even more diffi-cult for technical domains such as Chem-istry and Artificial Intelligence due to spe-cific terminology, etc. We propose DomainSpecific Back Translation method whichuses available monolingual data and gen-erates synthetic data in a different way.This approach uses Out Of Domain words.The approach is very generic and can beapplied to any language pair for any domain. We conduct our experiments onChemistry and Artificial Intelligence do-mains for Hindi and Telugu in both direc-tions. It has been observed that the usageof synthetic data created by the proposedalgorithm improves the BLEU scores significantly.

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