Building A Corporate Corpus For Threads Constitution

Abstract in English

In this paper we describe the process of build-ing a corporate corpus that will be used as a ref-erence for modelling and computing threadsfrom conversations generated using commu-nication and collaboration tools. The overallgoal of the reconstruction of threads is to beable to provide value to the collorator in var-ious use cases, such as higlighting the impor-tant parts of a running discussion, reviewingthe upcoming commitments or deadlines, etc. Since, to our knowledge, there is no avail-able corporate corpus for the French languagewhich could allow us to address this prob-lem of thread constitution, we present here amethod for building such corpora includingdifferent aspects and steps which allowed thecreation of a pipeline to pseudo-anonymisedata. Such a pipeline is a response to theconstraints induced by the General Data Pro-tection Regulation GDPR in Europe and thecompliance to the secrecy of correspondence.

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