UTNLP at SemEval-2021 Task 5: A Comparative Analysis of Toxic Span Detection using Attention-based, Named Entity Recognition, and Ensemble Models

Abstract in English

Detecting which parts of a sentence contribute to that sentence's toxicity---rather than providing a sentence-level verdict of hatefulness--- would increase the interpretability of models and allow human moderators to better understand the outputs of the system. This paper presents our team's, UTNLP, methodology and results in the SemEval-2021 shared task 5 on toxic spans detection. We test multiple models and contextual embeddings and report the best setting out of all. The experiments start with keyword-based models and are followed by attention-based, named entity- based, transformers-based, and ensemble models. Our best approach, an ensemble model, achieves an F1 of 0.684 in the competition's evaluation phase.

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