WANLP 2021 Shared-Task: Towards Irony and Sentiment Detection in Arabic Tweets using Multi-headed-LSTM-CNN-GRU and MaRBERT

Abstract in English

Irony and Sentiment detection is important to understand people's behavior and thoughts. Thus it has become a popular task in natural language processing (NLP). This paper presents results and main findings in WANLP 2021 shared tasks one and two. The task was based on the ArSarcasm-v2 dataset (Abu Farha et al., 2021). In this paper, we describe our system Multi-headed-LSTM-CNN-GRU and also MARBERT (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2021) submitted for the shared task, ranked 10 out of 27 in shared task one achieving 0.5662 F1-Sarcasm and ranked 3 out of 22 in shared task two achieving 0.7321 F1-PN under CodaLab username rematchka''. We experimented with various models and the two best performing models are a Multi-headed CNN-LSTM-GRU in which we used prepossessed text and emoji presented from tweets and MARBERT.

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