We perform a reconstruction of the polarization sector of the density matrix of an intense polarization squeezed beam starting from a complete set of Stokes measurements. By using an appropriate quasidistribution, we map this onto the Poincare space providing a full quantum mechanical characterization of the measured polarization state.
We perform state tomography of an itinerant squeezed state of the microwave field prepared by a Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA). We use a second JPA as a pre-amplifier to improve the quantum efficiency of the field quadrature measurement (QM) from 2% to 36 +/- 4%. Without correcting for the detection inefficiency we observe a minimum quadrature variance which is 69 +/- 8% of the variance of the vacuum. We reconstruct the states density matrix by a maximum likelihood method and infer that the squeezed state has a minimum variance less than 40% of the vacuum, with uncertainty mostly caused by calibration systematics.
Quantum phase estimation protocols can provide a measuring method of phase shift with precision superior to standard quantum limit (SQL) due to the application of a nonclassical state of light. A squeezed vacuum state, whose variance in one quadrature is lower than the corresponding SQL, has been pointed out a sensitive resource for quantum phase estimation and the estimation accuracy is directly influenced by the properties of the squeezed state. Here we detailedly analyze the influence of the purity and squeezing level of the squeezed state on the accuracy of quantum phase estimation. The maximum precision that can be achieved for a squeezed thermal state is evaluated, and the experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical analyses. It is also found that the width of the phase estimation interval $Delta theta $ beyond SQL is correlated with the purity of the squeezed state.
We reconstruct the polarization sector of a bright polarization squeezed beam starting from a complete set of Stokes measurements. Given the symmetry that underlies the polarization structure of quantum fields, we use the unique SU(2) Wigner distribution to represent states. In the limit of localized and bright states, the Wigner function can be approximated by an inverse three-dimensional Radon transform. We compare this direct reconstruction with the results of a maximum likelihood estimation, finding an excellent agreement.
We suggest and demonstrate a scheme to reconstruct the symmetric two-mode squeezed thermal states of spectral sideband modes from an optical parametric oscillator. The method is based on a single homodyne detector and active stabilization of the cavity. The measurement scheme have been successfully tested on different two-mode squeezed thermal states, ranging from uncorrelated coherent states to entangled states.
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a universal quantum averaging process implementing the harmonic mean of quadrature variances. The harmonic mean protocol can be used to efficiently stabilize a set of fragile squeezed light sources with statistically fluctuating noise levels. The averaged variances are prepared probabilistically by means of linear optical interference and measurement induced conditioning. We verify that the implemented harmonic mean outperforms the standard arithmetic mean strategy. The effect of quantum averaging is experimentally tested both for uncorrelated and partially correlated noise sources with sub-Poissonian shot noise or super-Poissonian shot noise characteristics.