Spinor Dynamics-Driven Formation of a Dual-Beam Atom Laser

Abstract in English

We demonstrate a novel dual-beam atom laser formed by outcoupling oppositely polarized components of an F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate whose Zeeman sublevel populations have been coherently evolved through spin dynamics. The condensate is formed through all-optical means using a single-beam running-wave dipole trap. We create a condensate in the field-insensitive $m_F=0$ state, and drive coherent spin-mixing evolution through adiabatic compression of the initially weak trap. Such dual beams, number-correlated through the angular momentum-conserving reaction $2m_0leftrightharpoons m_{+1}+m_{-1}$, have been proposed as tools to explore entanglement and squeezing in Bose-Einstein condensates, and have potential use in precision phase measurements.
