Tracing the bounds on Bell-type inequalities

Abstract in English

Bell-type inequalities and violations thereof reveal the fundamental differences between standard probability theory and its quantum counterpart. In the course of previous investigations ultimate bounds on quantum mechanical violations have been found. For example, Tsirelsons bound constitutes a global upper limit for quantum violations of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) and the Clauser-Horne (CH) inequalities. Here we investigate a method for calculating the precise quantum bounds on arbitrary Bell-type inequalities by solving the eigenvalue problem for the operator associated with each Bell-type inequality. Thereby, we use the min-max principle to calculate the norm of these self-adjoint operators from the maximal eigenvalue yielding the upper bound for a particular set of measurement parameters. The eigenvectors corresponding to the maximal eigenvalues provide the quantum state for which a Bell-type inequality is maximally violated.
