We study numerically the effects of measurements on dynamical localization in the kicked rotator model simulated on a quantum computer. Contrary to the previous studies, which showed that measurements induce a diffusive probability spreading, our results demonstrate that localization can be preserved for repeated single-qubit measurements. We detect a transition from a localized to a delocalized phase, depending on the system parameters and on the choice of the measured qubit.
Quantum computers are invaluable tools to explore the properties of complex quantum systems. We show that dynamical localization of the quantum sawtooth map, a highly sensitive quantum coherent phenomenon, can be simulated on actual, small-scale quantum processors. Our results demonstrate that quantum computing of dynamical localization may become a convenient tool for evaluating advances in quantum hardware performances.
Dynamical localization is a localization phenomenon taking place, for example, in the quantum periodically-driven kicked rotor. It is due to subtle quantum destructive interferences and is thus of intrinsic quantum origin. It has been shown that deviation from strict periodicity in the driving rapidly destroys dynamical localization. We report experimental results showing that this destruction is partially reversible when the deterministic perturbation that destroyed it is slowly reversed. We also provide an explanation for the partial character of the reversibility.
Measuring the degree of localization of quantum states in phase space is essential for the description of the dynamics and equilibration of quantum systems, but this topic is far from being understood. There is no unique way to measure localization, and individual measures can reflect different aspects of the same quantum state. Here, we present a general scheme to define localization in measure spaces, which is based on what we call Renyi occupations, from which any measure of localization can be derived. We apply this scheme to the four-dimensional unbounded phase space of the interacting spin-boson Dicke model. In particular, we make a detailed comparison of two localization measures based on the Husimi function in the regime where the model is chaotic, namely one that projects the Husimi function over the finite phase space of the spin and another that uses the Husimi function defined over classical energy shells. We elucidate the origin of their differences, showing that in unbounded spaces the definition of maximal delocalization requires a bounded reference subspace, with different selections leading to contextual answers.
We investigate precursors of critical behavior in the quasienergy spectrum due to the dynamical instability in the kicked top. Using a semiclassical approach, we analytically obtain a logarithmic divergence in the density of states, which is analogous to a continuous excited state quantum phase transition in undriven systems. We propose a protocol to observe the cusp behavior of the magnetization close to the critical quasienergy.
Closed quantum systems exhibit different dynamical regimes, like Many-Body Localization or thermalization, which determine the mechanisms of spread and processing of information. Here we address the impact of these dynamical phases in quantum reservoir computing, an unconventional computing paradigm recently extended into the quantum regime that exploits dynamical systems to solve nonlinear and temporal tasks. We establish that the thermal phase is naturally adapted to the requirements of quantum reservoir computing and report an increased performance at the thermalization transition for the studied tasks. Uncovering the underlying physical mechanisms behind optimal information processing capabilities of spin networks is essential for future experimental implementations and provides a new perspective on dynamical phases.