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Perfect initialization of a quantum computer of neutral atoms in an optical lattice of large lattice constant

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 Added by Jiri Vala
 Publication date 2003
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose a scheme for the initialization of a quantum computer based on neutral atoms trapped in an optical lattice with large lattice constant. Our focus is the development of a compacting scheme to prepare a perfect optical lattice of simple orthorhombic structure with unit occupancy. Compacting is accomplished by sequential application of two types of operations: a flip operator that changes the internal state of the atoms, and a shift operator that moves them along the lattice principal axis. We propose physical mechanisms for realization of these operations and we study the effects of motional heating of the atoms. We carry out an analysis of the complexity of the compacting scheme and show that it scales linearly with the number of lattice sites per row of the lattice, thus showing good scaling behavior with the size of the quantum computer.

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We propose a new quantum-computing scheme using ultracold neutral ytterbium atoms in an optical lattice. The nuclear Zeeman sublevels define a qubit. This choice avoids the natural phase evolution due to the magnetic dipole interaction between qubits. The Zeeman sublevels with large magnetic moments in the long-lived metastable state are also exploited to address individual atoms and to construct a controlled-multiqubit gate. Estimated parameters required for this scheme show that this proposal is scalable and experimentally feasible.
Ultra-cold atoms trapped by light, with their robust quantum coherence and controllability, provide an attractive system for quantum information processing and for simulation of complex problems in condensed matter physics. Many quantum information processing schemes require that individual qubits be manipulated and deterministically entangled with one another, a process that would typically be accomplished by controlled, state-dependent, coherent interactions among qubits. Recent experiments have made progress toward this goal by demonstrating entanglement among an ensemble of atoms confined in an optical lattice. Until now, however, there has been no demonstration of a key operation: controlled entanglement between atoms in isolated pairs. We have used an optical lattice of double-well potentials to isolate and manipulate arrays of paired atoms, inducing controlled entangling interactions within each pair. Our experiment is the first realization of proposals to use controlled exchange coupling in a system of neutral atoms. Although 87Rb atoms have nearly state-independent interactions, when we force two atoms into the same physical location, the wavefunction exchange symmetry of these identical bosons leads to state-dependent dynamics. We observe repeated interchange of spin between atoms occupying different vibrational levels, with a coherence time of more than ten milliseconds. This observation represents the first demonstration of the essential component of a quantum SWAP gate in neutral atoms. The half implementation of SWAP, the sqrt(SWAP) gate, is entangling, and together with single qubit rotations form a set of universal gates for quantum computation.
111 - V. S. Malinovsky , K. R. Moore , 2019
We develop and study quantum and semi-classical models of Rydberg-atom spectroscopy in amplitude-modulated optical lattices. Both initial- and target-state Rydberg atoms are trapped in the lattice. Unlike in any other spectroscopic scheme, the modulation-induced ponderomotive coupling between the Rydberg states is spatially periodic and perfectly phase-locked to the lattice trapping potentials. This leads to a novel type of sub-Doppler mechanism, which we explain in detail. In our exact quantum model, we solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation in the product space of center-of-mass (COM) momentum states and the internal-state space. We also develop a perturbative model based on the band structure in the lattice and Fermis golden rule, as well as a semi-classical trajectory model in which the COM is treated classically and the internal-state dynamics quantum-mechanically. In all models we obtain the spectrum of the target Rydberg-state population versus the lattice modulation frequency, averaged over the initial thermal COM momentum distribution of the atoms. We investigate the quantum-classical correspondence of the problem in several parameter regimes and exhibit spectral features that arise from vibrational COM coherences and rotary-echo effects. Applications in Rydberg-atom spectroscopy are discussed.
We load cold atoms into an optical lattice dramatically reshaped by radiofrequency (rf) coupling of state-dependent lattice potentials. This rf dressing changes the unit cell of the lattice at a subwavelength scale, such that its curvature and topology departs strongly from that of a simple sinusoidal lattice potential. Radiofrequency dressing has previously been performed at length scales from mm to tens of microns, but not at the single-optical-wavelength scale. At this length scale significant coupling between adiabatic potentials leads to nonadiabatic transitions, which we measure as a function of lattice depth and dressing frequency and amplitude. We also investigate the dressing by measuring changes in the momentum distribution of the dressed states.
143 - S. Rosi , A. Bernard , N. Fabbri 2013
We present experimental evidence of the successful closed-loop optimization of the dynamics of cold atoms in an optical lattice. We optimize the loading of an ultracold atomic gas minimizing the excitations in an array of one-dimensional tubes (3D-1D crossover) and we perform an optimal crossing of the quantum phase-transition from a Superfluid to a Mott-Insulator in a three-dimensional lattice. In both cases we enhance the experiment performances with respect to those obtained via adiabatic dynamics, effectively speeding up the process by more than a factor three while improving the quality of the desired transformation.
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