A thermodynamic approach to quantum measurement and quantum probability

Abstract in English

A simple model of quantum particle is proposed in which the particle in a {it macroscopic} rest frame is represented by a {it microscopic d}-dimensional oscillator, {it s=(d-1)/2} being the spin of the particle. The state vectors are defined simply by complex combinations of coordinates and momenta. It is argued that the observables of the system are Hermitian forms (corresponding uniquely to Hermitian matrices). Quantum measurements transforms the equilibrium state obtained after preparation into a family of equilibrium states corresponding to the critical values of the measured observable appearing as values of a random quantity associated with the observable. Our main assumptions state that: i) in the process of measurement the measured observable tends to minimum, and ii) the mean value of every random quantity associated with an observable in some state is proportional to the value of the corresponding observable at the same state. This allows to obtain in a very simple manner the Born rule.
