A new method to track the motion of a single particle in the field of a high-finesse optical resonator is described. It exploits near-degenerate higher-order Gaussian cavity modes, whose symmetry is broken by the phase shift on the light induced by the particle. Observation of the spatial intensity distribution behind the cavity allows direct determination of the particles position with approximately wavelength accuracy. This is demonstrated by generating a realistic atomic trajectory using a semiclassical simulation including friction and diffusion and comparing it to the reconstructed path. The path reconstruction itself requires no knowledge about the forces on the particle.
A single atom in free space can have a strong influence on a light beam and a single photon can have a strong effect on a single atom in free space. Regarding this interaction, two conceptually different questions can be asked: can a single atom fully absorb a single photon and can a single atom fully reflect a light beam. The conditions for achieving the full effect in either case are different. Here we discuss related questions in the context of an optical resonator. When shaping a laser pulse properly it will be fully absorbed by an optical resonator, i.e., no light will be reflected and all the pulse energy will accumulate inside the resonator before it starts leaking out. We show in detail that in this case the temporal pulse shape has to match the time-reversed pulse obtained by the cavitys free decay. On the other hand a resonator, made of highly reflecting mirrors which normally reflect a large portion of any incident light, may fully transmit the light, as long as the light is narrow band and resonant with the cavity. The analogy is the single atom - normally letting most of the light pass - which under special conditions may fully reflect the incident light beam. Using this analogy we are able to study the effects of practical experimental limitations in the atom-photon coupling, such as finite pulses, bandwidths, and solid angle coverage, and to use the optical resonator as a test bed for the implementation of the quantum experiment.
We present detailed discussions of cooling and trapping mechanisms for an atom in an optical trap inside an optical cavity, as relevant to recent experiments. The interference pattern of cavity QED and trapping fields in space makes the trapping wells distinguishable from one another. This adds considerable flexibility to creating effective trapping and cooling conditions and to detection possibilities. Friction and diffusion coefficients are calculated in and beyond the low excitation limit and full 3-D simulations of the quasiclassical motion of a Cs atom are performed.
Precision sensing, and in particular high precision magnetometry, is a central goal of research into quantum technologies. For magnetometers, often trade-offs exist between sensitivity, spatial resolution, and frequency range. The precision, and thus the sensitivity of magnetometry, scales as $1/sqrt {T_2}$ with the phase coherence time, $T_2$, of the sensing system playing the role of a key determinant. Adapting a dynamical decoupling scheme that allows for extending $T_2$ by orders of magnitude and merging it with a magnetic sensing protocol, we achieve a measurement sensitivity even for high frequency fields close to the standard quantum limit. Using a single atomic ion as a sensor, we experimentally attain a sensitivity of $4.6$ pT $/sqrt{Hz}$ for an alternating-current magnetic field near 14 MHz. Based on the principle demonstrated here, this unprecedented sensitivity combined with spatial resolution in the nanometer range and tunability from direct-current to the gigahertz range could be used for magnetic imaging in as of yet inaccessible parameter regimes.
We demonstrate a new feedback algorithm to cool a single neutral atom trapped inside a standing-wave optical cavity. The algorithm is based on parametric modulation of the confining potential at twice the natural oscillation frequency of the atom, in combination with fast and repetitive atomic position measurements. The latter serve to continuously adjust the modulation phase to a value for which parametric excitation of the atomic motion is avoided. Cooling is limited by the measurement back action which decoheres the atomic motion after only a few oscillations. Nonetheless, applying this feedback scheme to a ~ 5 kHz oscillation mode increases the average storage time of a single atom in the cavity by a factor of 60 to more than 2 seconds. In contrast to previous feedback schemes, our algorithm is also capable of cooling a much faster ~ 500 kHz oscillation mode within just microseconds. This demonstrates that parametric cooling is a powerful technique that can be applied in all experiments where optical access is limited.
We show an optical wave-mixing scheme that generates quantum light by means of a single three-level atom. The atom couples to an optical cavity and two laser fields that together drive a cycling current within the atom. Weak driving in combination with strong atom-cavity coupling induces transitions between the dark states of the system, accompanied by single-photon emission and suppression of atomic excitation by quantum interference. For strong driving, the system can generate coherent or Schrodinger cat-like fields with frequencies distinct from those of the applied lasers.