Quantum coherence and control in one- and two-photon optical systems

Abstract in English

We investigate coherence in one- and two-photon optical systems, both theoretically and experimentally. In the first case, we develop the density operator representing a single photon state subjected to a non-dissipative coupling between observed (polarization) and unobserved (frequency) degrees of freedom. We show that an implementation of ``bang-bang quantum control protects photon polarization information from certain types of decoherence. In the second case, we investigate the existence of a decoherence-free subspace of the Hilbert space of two-photon polarization states under the action of a similar coupling. The density operator representation is developed analytically and solutions are obtained numerically. NOTE: This manuscript is taken from the authors undergraduate thesis (A.B. Dartmouth College, June 2000, advised by Dr. Walter E. Lawrence), under the supervision of Dr. Paul G. Kwiat.
