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We have developed a fast programmable trigger processor board based on a field programmable gate array and a complex programmable logic device for use in the BELLE experiment. The trigger board accommodates 144 ECL input signals, 2 NIM input signals, 24 ECL output signals, and the VME bus specification. An asynchronous trigger logic for counting isolated clusters is used. We have obtained trigger latency of 50 ns with a full access to input and output signals via a VME interface. The trigger logic can be modified at any time depending on the experimental conditions.
The Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB accelerator has a level 1 trigger implemented in field-programmable gate arrays. Due to the high luminosity of the beam, a trigger that effectively rejects beam induced background is required. A three dimensional tracking algorithm for the level 1 trigger that uses the Belle II central drift chamber detector response is being developed to reduce the recorded beam background while having a high efficiency for physics of interest. In this paper, we describe the three dimensional track trigger that finds and fits track parameters which we developed.
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider in KEK, Japan, started physics data-taking with a complete detector from early 2019 with the primary physics goal of probing new physics in heavy quark and lepton decays. An online trigger system is indispensable for the Belle II experiment to reduce the beam background events associated with high electron and positron beam currents without sacrificing the target physics-oriented events. During the Belle II operation upon beam collision, the trigger system must be consistently controlled and its status must be carefully monitored in the process of data acquisition against unexpected situations. For this purpose, we have developed a slow control system for the Belle II trigger system. Around seventy thousand configuration parameters are saved in the Belle II central database server for every run when a run starts and stops. These parameters play an essential role in offline validation of the quality of runs. Around three thousand real-time variables are stored in the Belle II main archiving server, and the trend of some of these variables are regularly used for online and offline monitoring purposes. Various operator interface tools have been prepared and used. When the configuration parameters are not correctly applied, or some of the processes are unexpectedly terminated, the slow control system detects it, stops the data-taking process, and generates an alarm. In this article, we report how we constructed the Belle II trigger slow control system, and how we successfully managed to operate during its initial stage.
The Belle II experiment at KEK in Japan has started real data taking from April 2018 to probe a New Physics beyond the Standard Model by measuring CP violation precisely and rare weak decays of heavy quark and lepton. The experiment is performed at the high luminosity SuperKEKB e^+ e^- collider with 80 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1 as an ultimate instantaneous luminosity. In order to develop and test an appropriate trigger algorithm under much higher luminosity and beam background environment than previous KEKB collider, a detail simulation study of the Belle II calorimeter trigger system is very crucial to operate Belle II Trigger and DAQ system in stable. We report preliminary results on various trigger logics and their efficiencies using physics and beam background Monte Carlo events with a Belle II Geant4-based analysis framework called Basf2.
We describe the offline computing system of the Belle experiment, consisting of a computing farm with one thousand IA-32 CPUs. Up to now, the Belle experiment has accumulated more than 120 fb$^{-1}$ of data, which is the world largest $Bbar{B}$ sample at the $Upsilon(4S)$ energy. The data have to be processed with a single version of reconstruction software and calibration constants to perform precise measurements of $B$ meson decays. In addition, Monte Carlo samples three times larger than the real beam data are generated. To fullfill our computing needs, we have constructed the computing system with 90(300) quad(dual) CPU PC servers from multiple vendors as a central processing system. The details of this computing system and performance of data processing with the current model are presented.
The STEREO experiment will search for a sterile neutrino by measuring the anti-neutrino energy spectrum as a function of the distance from the source, the ILL nuclear reactor. A dedicated electronic system, hosted in a single microTCA crate, was designed for this experiment. It performs triggering in two stages with various selectable conditions, processing and readout via UDP/IPBUS of 68 photomultiplier signals continuously digitized at 250 MSPS. Additionally, for detector performance monitoring, the electronics allow on-line calibration by driving LED synchronously with the data acquisition. This paper describes the electronics requirements, architecture and the performances achieved.