A Central Partition of Molecular Conformational Space. IV. Extracting information from the graph of cells

Abstract in English

In previous works [physics/0204035, physics/0404052, physics/0509126] a procedure was described for dividing the $3 times N$-dimensional conformational space of a molecular system into a number of discrete cells, this partition allowed the building of a combinatorial structure from data sampled in molecular dynamics trajectories: the graph of cells, that encodes the set of cells in conformational space that are visited by the system in its thermal wandering. Here we outline a set of procedures for extracting useful information from this structure: 1st) interesting regions in the volume occupied by the system in conformational space can be bounded by a polyhedral cone whose faces are determined empirically from a set of relations between the coordinates of the molecule, 2nd) it is also shown that this cone can be decomposed into a hierarchical set of smaller cones, 3rd) the set of cells in a cone can be encoded by a simple combinatorial sequence.
