Rectangular Waveguide HOM Couplers for a TESLA Superstructure

Abstract in English

Some modifications of a Rectangular Waveguide HOM couplers for TESLA superstructure have been investigated. These RWG HOM couplers are to be installed between the cavities of the superstructure and also at the both ends of it. We investigated a RWG HOM coupler attached to the beam pipe through the slots orientated along beam pipe axis (longitudinal slots), perpendicular to it (azimutal slots) and at some angle to this axis. For dipole modes of both polarizations damping two RWG in every design were used. This paper presents the results obtained for scaled-up setup at 3 GHz at room temperature. The advantages of HOM coupler with longitudinal slots for damping dipole modes and compact HOM coupler with slots at some angle to the axis are shown. Arrangement of HOM coupler in cryostat and heating due to HOM and FM losses are presented. Calculations and design of the feeding RWG coupler for superstructure are also presented.
