Description of even-even triaxial Nuclei within the Coherent State and the Triaxial Rotation-Vibration Models

Abstract in English

The coherent state model (CSM) and the triaxial rotation-vibration model (TRVM) are alternatively used to describe the ground, gamma and beta bands of 228Th. CSM is also applied to the nuclei 126Xe and 130Ba, which were recently considered in TRVM. The two models are compared with respect to both their underlying assumptions and to their predicted results for energy levels and E2 branching ratios. Both models describe energies and quadrupole transitions of 228Th equally well and in good agreement with experiment, if the 0$_3^+$ level at 1120 keV is interpreted as the head of the beta band. The other two 0$^+$ levels at 832 and 939 keV are most likely not of a pure quadrupole vibration nature as has already been pointed out in the literature.
