Medium effects in K^+ nuclear interactions

Abstract in English

Total and reaction cross sections are derived self consistently from the attenuation cross sections measured in transmission experiments at the AGS for K^+ on Li^6, C, Si and Ca in the momentum range of 500-700 MeV/c by using a V_{opt}=t_{eff}(rho)rho optical potential. Self consistency requires, for the KN in-medium t matrix, that Im t_{eff}(rho) increases linearly with the average nuclear density in excess of a threshold value of 0.088+-0.004 fm^-3. The density dependence of Re t_{eff}(rho) is studied phenomenologically, and also applying a relativistic mean field approach, by fitting the integral cross sections. The real part of the optical potential is found to be systematically less repulsive with increasing energy than expected from the free-space repulsive KN interaction. When the elastic scattering data for Li^6 and C at 715 MeV/c are included in the analysis, a tendency of Re V_{opt} to generate an attractive pocket at the nuclear surface is observed.
