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Superscaling in charged current neutrino quasielastic scattering in the relativistic impulse approximation

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 Added by J. A. Caballero
 Publication date 2005
and research's language is English

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Superscaling of the quasielastic cross section in charged current neutrino-nucleus reactions at energies of a few GeV is investigated within the framework of the relativistic impulse approximation. Several approaches are used to describe final state interactions and comparisons are made with the plane wave approximation. Superscaling is very successful in all cases. The scaling function obtained using a relativistic mean field for the final states shows an asymmetric shape with a long tail extending towards positive values of the scaling variable, in excellent agreement with the behavior presented by the experimental scaling function.

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We use a recent scaling analysis of the quasielastic electron scattering data from $^{12}$C to predict the quasielastic charge-changing neutrino scattering cross sections within an uncertainty band. We use a scaling function extracted from a selection of the $(e,e)$ cross section data, and an effective nucleon mass inspired by the relativistic mean-field model of nuclear matter. The corresponding super-scaling analysis with relativistic effective mass (SuSAM*) describes a large amount of the electron data lying inside a phenomenological quasielastic band. The effective mass incorporates the enhancement of the transverse current produced by the relativistic mean field. The scaling function incorporates nuclear effects beyond the impulse approximation, in particular meson-exchange currents and short range correlations producing tails in the scaling function. Besides its simplicity, this model describes the neutrino data as reasonably well as other more sophisticated nuclear models.
Neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering is studied in the plane wave impulse approximation for three nuclear models: the relativistic Fermi gas (RFG), the independent-particle shell model (IPSM) and the natural orbitals (NO) model with Lorentzian dependence of the excitation energy. A complete study of the kinematics of the semi-inclusive process and the associated cross sections are presented and discussed for 40 Ar and 12 C. Inclusive cross sections are also obtained by integrating the semi-inclusive expressions over the outgoing hadron. Results are consistent with previous studies restricted to the inclusive channel. In particular, a comparison with the analytical results for the RFG model is performed. Explicit expressions for the hadronic tensor and the 10 semi-inclusive nuclear responses are given. Theoretical predictions are compared with semi-inclusive experimental data from T2K experiment.
143 - Artur M. Ankowski 2015
One of the largest sources of systematic uncertainties in ongoing neutrino-oscillation measurements is the description of nuclear effects. Its considerable reduction is expected thanks to the dedicated studies of (anti)neutrino-nucleus interactions in the MINERvA experiment. In this article, the calculations within the spectral function approach are compared to the charged-current quasielastic cross sections reported from MINERvA. The obtained results show that the effect of final-state interactions on the (anti)muon kinematics plays pivotal role in reproducing the experimental data.
The analysis of charged-current quasielastic neutrino and antineutrino-nucleus scattering cross sections requires relativistic theoretical descriptions also accounting for the role of final-state interactions. We compare the results of the relativistic Greens function model with the data recently published by the MINER$ u$A Collaboration. The model is able to describe both MINER$ u$A and MiniBooNE data.
We present a global analysis of the inclusive quasielastic electron scattering data with a superscaling approach with relativistic effective mass. The SuSAM* model exploits the approximation of factorization of the scaling function $f^*(psi^*)$ out of the cross section under quasifree conditions. Our approach is based on the relativistic mean field theory of nuclear matter where a relativistic effective mass for the nucleon encodes the dynamics of nucleons moving in presence of scalar and vector potentials. Both the scaling variable $psi^*$ and the single nucleon cross sections include the effective mass as a parameter to be fitted to the data alongside the Fermi momentum $k_F$. Several methods to extract the scaling function and its uncertainty from the data are proposed and compared. The model predictions for the quasielastic cross section and the theoretical error bands are presented and discussed for nuclei along the periodic table from $A=2$ to $A=238$: $^2$H, $^3$H, $^3$He, $^4$He, $^{12}$C, $^{6}$Li, $^{9}$Be, $^{24}$Mg, $^{59}$Ni, $^{89}$Y, $^{119}$Sn, $^{181}$Ta, $^{186}$W, $^{197}$Au, $^{16}$O, $^{27}$Al, $^{40}$Ca, $^{48}$Ca, $^{56}$Fe, $^{208}$Pb, and $^{238}$U. We find that more than 9000 of the total $sim 20000$ data fall within the quasielastic theoretical bands. Predictions for $^{48}$Ti and $^{40}$Ar are also provided for the kinematics of interest to neutrino experiments.
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