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Decay modes of 250No

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 Added by Donald Peterson
 Publication date 2006
and research's language is English
 Authors D. Peterson

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The Fragment Mass Analyzer at the ATLAS facility has been used to unambiguously identify the mass number associated with different decay modes of the nobelium isotopes produced via 204Pb(48Ca,xn)(252-x)No reactions. Isotopically pure (>99.7%) 204Pb targets were used to reduce background from more favored reactions on heavier lead isotopes. Two spontaneous fission half-lives (t_1/2 = 3.7+1.1-0.8 us and 43+22-15 us) were deduced from a total of 158 fission events. Both decays originate from 250No rather than from neighboring isotopes as previously suggested. The longer activity most likely corresponds to a K-isomer in this nucleus. No conclusive evidence for an alpha branch was observed, resulting in upper limits of 2.1% for the shorter lifetime and 3.4% for the longer activity.

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477 - F. Grenier 2007
Unbound states of $^{10}$C nuclei produced as quasi-projectiles in $^{12}$C+$^{24}$Mg collisions at E/A = 53 and 95 MeV are studied with the Indra detector array. Multi-particle correlation function analyses provide experimental evidence of sequential de-excitation mechanisms through the production of intermediate $^{9}$B, $^{6}$Be and $^{8}$Be unbound nuclei. The relative contributions of different decay sequences to the total decay width of the explored states is estimated semi-quantitatively. The obtained results show that heavy-ion collisions can be used as a tool to access spectroscopic information about exotic nuclei.
128 - J. V. Dawson 2009
An array of sixteen 1 cm^3 CdZnTe semiconductor detectors was operated at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory (LNGS) to further investigate the feasibility of double-beta decay searches with such devices. As one of the double-beta decay experiments with the highest granularity the 4 x 4 array accumulated an overall exposure of 18 kg days. The setup and performance of the array is described. Half-life limits for various double-beta decay modes of Cd, Zn and Te isotopes are obtained. No signal has been found, but several limits beyond 10^20 years have been performed. They are an order of magnitude better than those obtained with this technology before and comparable to most other experimental approaches for the isotopes under investigation. An improved limit for the beta^+/EC decay of Te 120 is given.
A new search for the decay modes of the 4-fold forbidden non-unique decay of $^{50}$V has been performed at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory (LNGS). In total an exposure of 197 kg $times$ d has been accumulated. The half-life for the electron capture into the first excited state of $^{50}$Ti has been measured with the highest precision to date as $2.67_{-0.18}^{+0.16} times 10^{17}$ yr (68% C.I.) in which systematics uncertainties dominate. The search for the $beta$-decay into the first excited state of $^{50}$Cr resulted in a lower limit of ${1.9} times 10^{19}$ yr (90% C.I.), which is an improvement of almost one order of magnitude compared to existing results. The sensitivity of the new measurement is now in the region of theoretical predictions.
We calculate the ground, first intrinsic excited states and density distribution for neutron-rich thorium and uranium isotopes, within the framework of relativistic mean field(RMF) approach using axially deformed basis. The total nucleon densities are calculated, from which the cluster-structures inside the parent nuclei are determined. The possible modes of decay, like {alpha}-decay and b{eta} -decay are analyzed. We find the neutron-rich isotopes are stable against {alpha}-decay, however they are very much unstable against b{eta} -decay. The life time of these nuclei predicted to be tens of second against b{eta} -decay.
In the unknown territory of transfermium nuclei, the relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory has been applied to probe decay modes which include $alpha$-decay, spontaneous fission (SF), and a less explored weak-decay. These decay modes are analyzed on equal footing for 101$leq$Z$leq$109 and as a consequence, the half-lives for weak-decay are indeed found comparable for several isotopes. Our prediction of decay modes and half-lives are found in excellent agreement with available experimental decay modes and half-lives along with the results of some other theories. Out of $alpha$, $beta^+$/EC, $beta^-$, and SF, the most probable decay mode is anticipated along with its half-life over a wide range of odd and even nuclei to frame a novel sight into terra incognita.
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