Effect of the break-up on the fusion and elastic scattering of weakly bound projectiles on $^{64}$Zn

Abstract in English

We study the behavior of the fusion, break-up, reaction and elastic scattering of different projectiles on $^{64}$Zn, at near and above barrier energies. We present fusion and elastic scattering data with the tightly bound $^{16}$O and the stable weakly bound $^{6}$Li, $^{7}$Li and $^{9}$Be projectiles. The data were analyzed by coupled channel calculations. The total fusion cross sections for these systems are not affected by the break-up process at energies above the barrier. The elastic (non-capture) break-up cross section is important at energies close and above the Coulomb barrier and increases the reaction cross sections. In addition we also show that the break-up process at near and sub-barrier energies is responsible for the vanishing of the usual threshold anomaly of the optical potential and give rise to a new type of anomaly.
