Precision Rosenbluth measurement of the proton elastic form factors

Abstract in English

We report the results of a new Rosenbluth measurement of the proton form factors at Q^2 values of 2.64, 3.20 and 4.10 GeV^2. Cross sections were determined by detecting the recoiling proton in contrast to previous measurements in which the scattered electron was detected. At each Q^2, relative cross sections were determined to better than 1%. The measurement focussed on the extraction of G_E/G_M which was determined to 4-8% and found to approximate form factor scaling, i.e. mu_p G_E approx G_M. These results are consistent with and much more precise than previous Rosenbluth extractions. However, they are inconsistent with recent polarization transfer measurements of comparable precision, implying a systematic difference between the two techniques.
