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Associated strangeness production in pp collisions near threshold

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 Added by Peter Winter
 Publication date 2003
and research's language is English

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Motivated by the ongoing discussion concerning the nature of the scalar resonances f0(980) and a0(980), the COSY-11 collaboration has taken exclusive data on the pp->ppK+K- reaction near the production threshold. A first total cross section sigma=(1.80+-0.27+0.28-0.35)nb for the excess energy Q=17 MeV has been determined. In contrary to the eta, omega and eta single meson production studies which clearly show the strong pp final state interaction (FSI), the cross section values obtained at COSY-11 and DISTO can be both described by a fit with a four-body phase space including the proton-proton final state interaction as well as with one-meson exchange calculations neglecting FSI effects. Therefore, one might think about a compensation of the strong pp interaction through a pK- FSI effect or an additional degree of freedom caused by the four-body final state. In the latter case, strong FSI effects can be expected at Q-values very close to the K+K- production threshold. Such a motivation triggered -- in combination with the investigation of the kaon-Antikaon interaction being relevant to the structure of the f0(980) -- further measurements at the excess energies Q=10 and Q=28 MeV at COSY-11.

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Exclusive data on the reactions pp -> ppK+K- and pp -> pK+ Lambda/Sigma0 have been taken at the cooler synchrotron COSY close to threshold. At equal excess energies, an enhancement of the Lambda/Sigma0 ratio by one order of magnitude has been observed compared to data at higher excess energies. New results obtained at the COSY-11 facility explore the transition region between this low-energy Sigma0 suppression and excess energies of 60 MeV. A first total cross section for elementary antikaon production below the phi threshold has been determined, two orders of magnitude smaller compared to kaon production at the same excess energy.
104 - F. Hibou , O. Bing , M. Boivin 1999
The total cross section for omega production in the pp -> pp omega reaction has been measured at five c.m. excess energies from 3.8 to 30 MeV. The energy dependence is easily understood in terms of a strong proton-proton final state interaction combined with a smearing over the width of the state. The ratio of near-threshold phi and omega production is consistent with the predictions of a one-pion-exchange model and the degree of violation of the OZI rule is similar to that found in the pi-p -> n omega/phi reactions.
We present the first determination of the energy-dependent production amplitudes of N$^{*}$ resonances with masses between 1650 MeV/c$^{2}$ and 1900 MeV/c$^{2}$ for an excess energy between $0$ and $600$ MeV. A combined Partial Wave Analysis of seven exclusively reconstructed data samples for the reaction p+p $rightarrow pKLambda$ measured by the COSY-TOF, DISTO, FOPI and HADES collaborations in fixed target experiments at kinetic energies between 2.14 and 3.5 GeV is used to determine the amplitude of the resonant and non-resonant contributions.
155 - V. Zinyuk , T.I. Kang , Y. Leifels 2014
Azimuthal emission patterns of $K^pm$ mesons have been measured in Ni + Ni collisions with the FOPI spectrometer at a beam kinetic energy of 1.91 A GeV. The transverse momentum $p_{T}$ integrated directed and elliptic flow of $K^{+}$ and $K^{-}$ mesons as well as the centrality dependence of $p_{T}$ - differential directed flow of $K^{+}$ mesons are compared to the predictions of HSD and IQMD transport models. The data exhibits different propagation patterns of $K^{+}$ and $K^{-}$ mesons in the compressed and heated nuclear medium and favor the existence of a kaon-nucleon in-medium potential, repulsive for $K^{+}$ mesons and attractive for $K^{-}$ mesons.
The production of $Sigma^{0}$ baryons in the nuclear reaction p (3.5 GeV) + Nb (corresponding to $sqrt{s_{NN}}=3.18$ GeV) is studied with the detector set-up HADES at GSI, Darmstadt. $Sigma^{0}$s were identified via the decay $Sigma^{0} rightarrow Lambda gamma$ with subsequent decays $Lambda rightarrow p pi^{-}$ in coincidence with a $e^{+}e^{-}$ pair from either external ($gamma rightarrow e^{+} e^{-}$) or internal (Dalitz decay $gamma^{*}rightarrow e^{+} e^{-}$) gamma
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