Inclusive Spectra of (p,xp) and (p,xd) Reactions on $^{90,92}$Zr and $^{92}$Mo Nuclei at E$_{p}$=30.3 MeV

Abstract in English

New experimental data for the inclusive reactions (p,xp) and (p,xd) on isotopes of the nuclei $^{90,92}$Zr and $^{92}$Mo, have been measured at E$_{p}$=30.3 MeV, which has not been investigated in detail so far. We show the extension of the pre-equilibrium reactions to this energy region and interpret the results of these experiments. Moreover, we display the mechanism of the reaction and the level of energy-dependence. The adequacy of the theoretical models in explaining the measured experimental data is also discussed. In our theoretical analysis, the contributions of multi-step direct and compound processes in the formation of cross-sections are determined and we assert that the traditional frameworks are valid for the description of the experimental data.
