Level density of the Henon-Heiles system above the critical barrier Energy

Abstract in English

We discuss the coarse-grained level density of the Henon-Heiles system above the barrier energy, where the system is nearly chaotic. We use periodic orbit theory to approximate its oscillating part semiclassically via Gutzwillers semiclassical trace formula (extended by uniform approximations for the contributions of bifurcating orbits). Including only a few stable and unstable orbits, we reproduce the quantum-mechanical density of states very accurately. We also present a perturbative calculation of the stabilities of two infinite series of orbits (R$_n$ and L$_m$), emanating from the shortest librating straight-line orbit (A) in a bifurcation cascade just below the barrier, which at the barrier have two common asymptotic Lyapunov exponents $chi_{rm R}$ and $chi_{rm L}$.
