It is known that the underlying spaces of all abelian quotient singularities which are embeddable as complete intersections of hypersurfaces in an affine space can be overall resolved by means of projective torus-equivariant crepant birational morphisms in all dimensions. In the present paper we extend this result to the entire class of toric l.c.i.-singularities. Our proof makes use of Nakajimas classification theorem and of some special techniques from toric and discrete geometry.
Folding of ADE-Dynkin diagrams according to graph automorphisms yields irreducible Dynkin diagrams of ABCDEFG-types. This folding procedure allows to trace back the properties of the corresponding simple Lie algebras or groups to those of ADE-type. In this article, we implement the techniques of folding by graph automorphisms for Hitchin integrable systems. We show that the fixed point loci of these automorphisms are isomorphic as algebraic integrable systems to the Hitchin systems of the folded groups away from singular fibers. The latter Hitchin systems are isomorphic to the intermediate Jacobian fibrations of Calabi--Yau orbifold stacks constructed by the first author. We construct simultaneous crepant resolutions of the associated singular quasi-projective Calabi--Yau threefolds and compare the resulting intermediate Jacobian fibrations to the corresponding Hitchin systems.
We develop an analogue of Eisenbud-Floystad-Schreyers Tate resolutions for toric varieties. Our construction, which is given by a noncommutative analogue of a Fourier-Mukai transform, works quite generally and provides a new perspective on the relationship between Tate resolutions and Beilinsons resolution of the diagonal. We also develop a Beilinson-type resolution of the diagonal for toric varieties and use it to generalize Eisenbud-Floystad-Schreyers computationally effective construction of Beilinson monads.
Let X and Y be K-equivalent toric Deligne-Mumford stacks related by a single toric wall-crossing. We prove the Crepant Transformation Conjecture in this case, fully-equivariantly and in genus zero. That is, we show that the equivariant quantum connections for X and Y become gauge-equivalent after analytic continuation in quantum parameters. Furthermore we identify the gauge transformation involved, which can be thought of as a linear symplectomorphism between the Givental spaces for X and Y, with a Fourier-Mukai transformation between the K-groups of X and Y, via an equivariant version of the Gamma-integral structure on quantum cohomology. We prove similar results for toric complete intersections. We impose only very weak geometric hypotheses on X and Y: they can be non-compact, for example, and need not be weak Fano or have Gorenstein coarse moduli space. Our main tools are the Mirror Theorems for toric Deligne-Mumford stacks and toric complete intersections, and the Mellin-Barnes method for analytic continuation of hypergeometric functions.
We say that an exact equivalence between the derived categories of two algebraic varieties is tilting-type if it is constructed by using tilting bundles. The aim of this article is to understand the behavior of tilting-type equivalences for crepant resolutions under deformations. As an application of the method that we establish in this article, we study the derived equivalence for stratified Mukai flops and stratified Atiyah flops in terms of tilting bundles.