The diagonal Ising susceptibility

Abstract in English

We use the recently derived form factor expansions of the diagonal two-point correlation function of the square Ising model to study the susceptibility for a magnetic field applied only to one diagonal of the lattice, for the isotropic Ising model. We exactly evaluate the one and two particle contributions $chi_{d}^{(1)}$ and $chi_{d}^{(2)}$ of the corresponding susceptibility, and obtain linear differential equations for the three and four particle contributions, as well as the five particle contribution ${chi}^{(5)}_d(t)$, but only modulo a given prime. We use these exact linear differential equations to show that, not only the russian-doll structure, but also the direct sum structure on the linear differential operators for the $ n$-particle contributions $chi_{d}^{(n)}$ are quite directly inherited from the direct sum structure on the form factors $ f^{(n)}$. We show that the $ n^{th}$ particle contributions $chi_{d}^{(n)}$ have their singularities at roots of unity. These singularities become dense on the unit circle $|sinh2E_v/kT sinh 2E_h/kT|=1$ as $ nto infty$.
