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A simple proof of the Jamiolkowski criterion for complete positivity of linear maps of algebras of Hilbert-Schmidt operators

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 Added by David Salgado
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We generalize a preceding simple proof of the Jamiolkowski criterion to check whether a given linear map between algebras of operators is completely positive or not. The generalization is performed to embrace all algebras of Hilbert-Schmidt class operators, thus possibly infinite-dimensional.

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We give a simple direct proof of the Jamiolkowski criterion to check whether a linear map between matrix algebras is completely positive or not. This proof is more accesible for physicists than others found in the literature and provides a systematic method to give any set of Kraus matrices of its Kraus decomposition.
94 - A.G. Elashvili , V.G. Kac 2003
We study and give a complete classification of good $ZZ$-gradings of all simple finite-dimensional Lie algebras. This problem arose in the quantum Hamiltonian reduction for affine Lie algebras.
156 - Dariusz Chruscinski 2014
We provide a further analysis of the class of positive maps proposed ten years ago by Kossakowski. In particular we propose a new parametrization which reveals an elegant geometric structure and an interesting interplay between group theory and a certain class of positive maps.
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In this paper we present a criterion for the covering condition of the generalized random matrix ensemble, which enable us to verify the covering condition for the seven classes of generalized random matrix ensemble in an unified and simpler way.
We investigate the use of a non-parametric independence measure, the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC), as a loss-function for learning robust regression and classification models. This loss-function encourages learning models where the distribution of the residuals between the label and the model prediction is statistically independent of the distribution of the instances themselves. This loss-function was first proposed by Mooij et al. (2009) in the context of learning causal graphs. We adapt it to the task of learning for unsupervised covariate shift: learning on a source domain without access to any instances or labels from the unknown target domain, but with the assumption that $p(y|x)$ (the conditional probability of labels given instances) remains the same in the target domain. We show that the proposed loss is expected to give rise to models that generalize well on a class of target domains characterised by the complexity of their description within a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Experiments on unsupervised covariate shift tasks demonstrate that models learned with the proposed loss-function outperform models learned with standard loss functions, achieving state-of-the-art results on a challenging cell-microscopy unsupervised covariate shift task.
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