Non-trivial Infrared Structure in (2+1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics

Abstract in English

We show that the gauge-fermion interaction in multiflavour $(2+1)$-dimensional quantum electrodynamics with a finite infrared cut-off is responsible for non-fermi liquid behaviour in the infrared, in the sense of leading to the existence of a non-trivial fixed point at zero momentum, as well as to a significant slowing down of the running of the coupling at intermediate scales as compared with previous analyses on the subject. Both these features constitute deviations from fermi-liquid theory. Our discussion is based on the leading- $1/N$ resummed solution for the wave-function renormalization of the Schwinger-Dyson equations . The present work completes and confirms the expectations of an earlier work by two of the authors (I.J.R.A. and N.E.M.) on the non-trivial infrared structure of the theory.
