The SL(2,R)WZWN string model as a deformed oscillator and its classical-quantum string regimes

Abstract in English

We study the SL(2,R) WZWN string model describing bosonic string theory in AdS_3 space-time as a deformed oscillator together with its mass spectrum and the string modified SL(2,R) uncertainty relation. The SL(2,R) string oscillator is far more quantum (with higher quantum uncertainty) and more excited than the non deformed one. This is accompassed by the highly excited string mass spectrum which is drastically changed with respect to the low excited one. The highly excited quantum string regime and the low excited semiclassical regime of the SL(2,R) string model are described and shown to be the quantum-classical dual of each other in the precise sense of the usual classical-quantum duality. This classical-quantum realization is not assumed nor conjectured. The quantum regime (high curvature) displays a modified Heisenbergs uncertainty relation, while the classical (low curvature) regime has the usual quantum mechanics uncertainty principle.
