Chiral rings, anomalies and loop equations in N=1* gauge theories

Abstract in English

We examine the equivalence between the Konishi anomaly equations and the matrix model loop equations in N=1* gauge theories, the mass deformation of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. We perform the superfunctional integral of two adjoint chiral superfields to obtain an effective N=1 theory of the third adjoint chiral superfield. By choosing an appropriate holomorphic variation, the Konishi anomaly equations correctly reproduce the loop equations in the corresponding three-matrix model. We write down the field theory loop equations explicitly by using a noncommutative product of resolvents peculiar to N=1* theories. The field theory resolvents are identified with those in the matrix model in the same manner as for the generic N=1 gauge theories. We cover all the classical gauge groups. In SO/Sp cases, both the one-loop holomorphic potential and the Konishi anomaly term involve twisting of index loops to change a one-loop oriented diagram to an unoriented diagram. The field theory loop equations for these cases show certain inhomogeneous terms suggesting the matrix model loop equations for the RP2 resolvent.
