Superspace approach to anomalous dimensions in {cal N}=4 SYM

Abstract in English

In a {cal N}=1 superspace setup and using dimensional regularization, we give a general and simple prescription to compute anomalous dimensions of composite operators in {cal N}=4, SU(N) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, perturbatively in the coupling constant g. We show in general that anomalous dimensions are responsible for the appearance of higher order poles in the perturbative expansion of the two-point function and that their lowest contribution can be read directly from the coefficient of the 1/epsilon^2 pole. As a check of our procedure we rederive the anomalous dimension of the Konishi superfield at order g^2. We then apply this procedure to the case of the double trace, dimension 4, superfield in the 20 of SU(4) recently considered in the literature. We find that its anomalous dimension vanishes for all N in agreement with previous results.
