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Small Numbers from Tunneling Between Brane Throats

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 Added by Eva Silverstein
 Publication date 2001
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Generic classes of string compactifications include ``brane throats emanating from the compact dimensions and separated by effective potential barriers raised by the background gravitational fields. The interaction of observers inside different throats occurs via tunnelling and is consequently weak. This provides a new mechanism for generating small numbers in Nature. We apply it to the hierarchy problem, where supersymmetry breaking near the unification scale causes TeV sparticle masses inside the standard model throat. We also design naturally long-lived cold dark matter which decays within a Hubble time to the approximate conformal matter of a long throat. This may soften structure formation at galactic scales and raises the possibility that much of the dark matter of the universe is conformal matter. Finally, the tunnelling rate shows that the coupling between throats, mediated by bulk modes, is stronger than a naive application of holography suggests.

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A generic F-theory compactification containing many D3 branes develops multiple brane throats. The interaction of observers residing inside different throats involves tunneling suppression and, as a result, is very weak. This suggests a new mechanism for generating small numbers in Nature. One application is to the hierarchy problem: large supersymmetry breaking near the unification scale inside a shallow throat causes TeV-scale SUSY-breaking inside the standard-model throat. Another application, inspired by nuclear-decay, is in designing naturally long-lived particles: a cold dark matter particle residing near the standard model brane decays to an approximate CFT-state of a longer throat within a Hubble time. This suggests that most of the mass of the universe today could consist of CFT-matter and may soften structure formation at sub-galactic scales. The tunneling calculation demonstrates that the coupling between two throats is dominated by higher dimensional modes and consequently is much larger than a naive application of holography might suggest.
We investigate the scalar metric perturbations about a de Sitter brane universe in a 5-dimensional anti de Sitter bulk. We compare the master-variable formalism, describing metric perturbations in a 5-dimensional longitudinal gauge, with results in a Gaussian normal gauge. For a vacuum brane (with constant brane tension) there is a continuum of normalizable Kaluza-Klein modes, with m>3H/2, which remain in the vacuum state. A light radion mode, with m=sqrt{2}H, satisfies the boundary conditions for two branes but is not normalizable in the single-brane case. When matter is introduced (as a test field) on the brane, this mode, together with the zero-mode and an infinite ladder of discrete tachyonic modes, become normalizable. However, the boundary condition requires the self-consistent 4-dimensional evolution of scalar field perturbations on the brane and the dangerous growing modes are not excited. These normalizable discrete modes introduce corrections at first-order to the scalar field perturbations computed in a slow-roll expansion. On super-Hubble scales, the correction is smaller than slow-roll corrections to the de Sitter background. However on small scales the corrections can become significant.
Some classes of inflationary models naturally introduce two distinct metrics/frames, and their equivalence in terms of observables has often been put in question. D-brane inflation proposes candidates for an inflaton embedded in the string theory and possesses descriptions on the brane and bulk metrics/frames, which are connected by a conformal/disformal transformation that depends on the inflaton and its derivatives. It has been shown that curvature perturbations generated by the inflaton are identical in both frames, meaning that observables such as the spectrum of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies are independent of whether matter fields---including those in the standard model of particle physics---minimally couple to the brane or the bulk metric/frame. This is true despite the fact that the observables are eventually measured by the matter fields and that the total action including the matter fields is different in the two cases. In contrast, in curvaton scenarios, the observables depend on the frame to which the curvaton minimally couples. Among all inflationary scenarios, we focus on two models motivated by the KKLMMT fine-tuning problem: a slow-roll inflation with an inflection-point potential and a model of a rapidly rolling inflaton that conformally couples to gravity. In the first model, the difference between the frames in which the curvaton resides is encoded in the spectral index of the curvature perturbations, depicting the nature of the frame transformation. In the second model, the curvaton on the brane induces a spectral index significantly different from that in the bulk and is even falsified by the observations. This work thus demonstrates that two frames connected by a conformal/disformal transformation lead to different physical observables such as CMB anisotropies in curvaton models.
201 - Adam R. Brown 2017
We survey barrier penetration by quantum tunneling for four cases: nonrelativistic point particles, scalar fields, relativistic point particles, and DBI branes. We examine two novel features that arise for DBI brane tunneling: the rate can sometimes increase as the barrier gets higher; and the instanton wrinkles. We show that these features can be understood as the effect of the quantum sea of virtual brane-antibrane pairs. This sea exponentially augments the decay rate, with possible cosmological consequences.
We calculate the amplitude of gravitational waves produced by inflation on a de Sitter brane embedded in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter bulk spacetime, extending previous calculations in Randall-Sundrum type cosmology to include the effect of induced gravity corrections on the brane. These corrections arise via a term in the brane action that is proportional to the brane Ricci scalar. We find that, as in the Randall-Sundrum case, there is a mass gap between the discrete zero-mode and a continuum of massive bulk modes, which are too heavy to be excited during inflation. We give the normalization of the zero-mode as a function of the Hubble rate on the brane and are thus able to calculate the high energy correction to the spectrum of gravitational wave (tensor) modes excited on large scales during inflation from initial vacuum fluctuations on small scales. We also calculate the amplitude of density (scalar) perturbations expected due to inflaton fluctuations on the brane, and show that the usual four-dimensional consistency relation for the tensor/scalar ratio remains valid for brane inflation with induced gravity corrections.
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