Massless Metric Preheating

Abstract in English

Can super-Hubble metric perturbations be amplified exponentially during preheating ? Yes. An analytical existence proof is provided by exploiting the conformal properties of massless inflationary models. The traditional conserved quantity zeta is non-conserved in many regions of parameter space. We include backreaction through the homogeneous parts of the inflaton and preheating fields and discuss the role of initial conditions on the post-preheating power-spectrum. Maximum field variances are strongly underestimated if metric perturbations are ignored. We illustrate this in the case of strong self-interaction of the decay products. Without metric perturbations, preheating in this case is very inefficient. However, metric perturbations increase the maximum field variances and give alternative channels for the resonance to proceed. This implies that metric perturbations can have a large impact on calculations of relic abundances of particles produced during preheating.
