Resummation of (-B(0) Alpha-s)**N Corrections to the Photon - Meson Transition Form-Factor Gamma* + Gamma ---> Pi0

Abstract in English

We have resummed all the (-b_0 alpha_s)^n contributions to the photon-meson transition form factor F_{gamma pi}. To do this, we have used the assumption of `naive nonabelianization (NNA). Within NNA, a series in (N_f alfa_s)^n is interpreted as a series in (-b_0 alpha_S)^n by means of the restoration of the full first QCD beta-function coefficient -b_0 by hand. We have taken into account corrections to the leading order coefficient function and to the evolution of the distribution function. Due to conformal constraints, it is possible to find the eigenfunctions of the evolution kernel. It turns out that the nondiagonal corrections are small, and neglecting them we obtained a representation for the distribution function with multiplicatively renormalized moments. For a simple shape of the distribution function, which is close to the asymptotic shape, we find that the radiative correction decrease the LO by 30 % and the uncertainty in the resummation lies between 10 % and 2 % for Q^2 between 2 and 10 GeV^2.
