Implications of Canonical Gauge Coupling Unification in High-Scale Supersymmetry Breaking

Abstract in English

We systematically construct two kinds of models with canonical gauge coupling unification and universal high-scale supersymmetry breaking. In the first we introduce standard vector-like particles while in the second we also include non-standard vector-like particles. We require that the gauge coupling unification scale is from 5 x 10^{15} GeV to the Planck scale, that the universal supersymmetry breaking scale is from 10 TeV to the unification scale, and that the masses of the vector-like particles (M_V) are universal and in the range from 200 GeV to 1 TeV. Using two-loop renormalization group equation (RGE) running for the gauge couplings and one-loop RGE running for Yukawa couplings and the Higgs quartic coupling, we calculate the supersymmetry breaking scales, the gauge coupling unification scales, and the corresponding Higgs mass ranges. When the vector-like particle masses are less than 1 TeV, these models can be tested at the LHC.
