Effects of little Higgs models on single top production at the $e^{-}gamma$ colliders

Abstract in English

In the framework of the littlest Higgs($LH$) model and the littlest Higgs model with T-parity($LHT$), We investigate the single top production process $e^{-}gammato u_{e}bbar{t}$, and calculate the corrections of these two models to the cross section of this process. We find that in the reasonable parameter space, the correction terms for the tree-level $Wtb$ couplings coming from the $LHT$ model can generate significantly corrections to the cross section of this process, which might be detected in the future high energy linear $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider($ILC$) experiments. However, the contributions of the new gauge boson $W^{pm}_{H}$ predicted by the $LH$ model to this process is very small.
