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About Mass, CP and Extra Dimensions

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 Added by Jean-Marie Fr\\`ere
 Publication date 2006
and research's language is English
 Authors J.-M. Fr`ere

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We discuss the notion of mass, mostly for fermions, and its relation to the breaking of CP invariance, the natural symmetry of gauge interactions. In a first model, we show how compactification on a Vortex in 2 extra dimensions leads to a replication of generations in 3+1, with challenging mass patterns, and testable consequences in flavour-changing neutral currents (family-number conserving), both at low energies and at future colliders. In different model, we show how CP violation can result from compactification from 4+1 to 3+1 dimensions.

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239 - Clifford Cheung 2007
We propose a model of spontaneous CP violation to address the strong CP problem in warped extra dimensions that relies on sequestering flavor and CP violation. We assume that brane-localized Higgs Yukawa interactions respect a U(3) flavor symmetry that is broken only by bulk fermion mass and Yukawa terms. All CP violation arises from the vev of a CP-odd scalar field localized in the bulk. To suppress radiative corrections to theta-bar, the doublet quarks in this model are localized on the IR brane. We calculate constraints from flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNCs), precision electroweak measurements, CKM unitarity, and the electric dipole moments in this model and predict theta-bar to be at least about 10^-12.
In this paper we study the general scenario of an effective theory coming from the compactification of a higher dimensional theory in a string inspired setting. This leads to gauge coupling unification at an intermediate mass scale. After having computed all the threshold corrections (due to Kaluza-Klein modes) to the running of the couplings of the MSSM we embark in a detailed phenomenological analysis of the model, based on the numerical package DarkSUSY, to find constraints on the scenario from Dark Matter data. The mass spectrum of the theory does not have tachyons. Moreover we find that the neutralino is still the LSP with a relic density compatible with the most recent experimental data. With respect to the standard mSUGRA scenario we find that the neutralino is higgsino like in most of the parameter space. Our modifications to the DarkSUSY package will be shortly available upon request.
143 - F.L. Bezrukov , Y. Burnier 2009
We show that the strong CP problem can, in principle, be solved dynamically by adding extra-dimensions with compact topology. To this aim we consider a toy model for QCD, which contains a vacuum angle and a strong CP like problem. We further consider a higher dimensional theory, which has a trivial vacuum structure and which reproduces the perturbative properties of the toy model in the low-energy limit. In the weak coupling regime, where our computations are valid, we show that the vacuum structure of the low-energy action is still trivial and the strong CP problem is solved. No axion-like particle occur in this setup and therefore it is not ruled out by astrophysical bounds.
We consider a model where right-handed neutrinos propagate in a large compactified extra dimension, engendering Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes, while the standard model particles are restricted to the usual 4-dimensional brane. A mass term mixes the KK modes with the standard left-handed neutrinos, opening the possibility of change the 3 generation mixing pattern. We derive bounds on the maximum size of the extra dimension from neutrino oscillation experiments. We show that this model provides a possible explanation for the deficit of nu_e in Ga solar neutrino calibration experiments and of the anti-nu_e in short baseline reactor experiments.
78 - C. Macesanu , A. Mitov , S. Nandi 2003
In this paper, we derive from the viewpoint of the effective 4D theory the interaction terms between linearized gravity propagating in N>= 2 large extra dimensions and matter propagating into one extra dimension. This generalizes known results for the interactions between gravity and 4D matter in ADD-type models. Although we assume that matter is described by an Universal Extra Dimensions (UED) scenario (with all fields propagating into the fifth dimension), we present our results in a general form that can be easily adapted to various other scenarios of matter distribution. We then apply our results to the UED model on a fat brane and consider some phenomenological applications. Among these are the computation of the gravitational decay widths of the matter KK excitations and the effect the width of the brane has on the interactions of gravity with Standard Model particles. We also estimate the cross-section for producing single KK excitations at colliders through KK number-violating gravitational interaction.
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