Low and High Energy Phenomenology of Quark-Lepton Complementarity Scenarios

Abstract in English

We conduct a detailed analysis of the phenomenology of two predictive see-saw scenarios leading to Quark-Lepton Complementarity. In both cases we discuss the neutrino mixing observables and their correlations, neutrinoless double beta decay and lepton flavor violating decays such as mu -> e gamma. We also comment on leptogenesis. The first scenario is disfavored on the level of one to two standard deviations, in particular due to its prediction for U_{e3}. There can be resonant leptogenesis with quasi-degenerate heavy and light neutrinos, which would imply sizable cancellations in neutrinoless double beta decay. The decays mu -> e gamma and tau -> mu gamma are typically observable unless the SUSY masses approach the TeV scale. In the second scenario leptogenesis is impossible. It is however in perfect agreement with all oscillation data. The prediction for mu -> e gamma is in general too large, unless the SUSY masses are in the range of several TeV. In this case tau -> e gamma and tau -> mu gamma are unobservable.
