Automated Calculation Scheme for alpha^n Contributions of QED to Lepton g-2

Abstract in English

This article reports an automated approach to the evaluation of higher-order terms of QED perturbation to anomalous magnetic moments of charged leptons by numerical means. We apply this approach to tenth-order correction due to a particular subcollection of Feynman diagrams, which have no virtual lepton loops. This set of diagrams is distinctive in that it grows factorially in number as the order increases, and also each of the diagrams holds quite a large number of subtraction terms to be treated along renormalization procedure. Thus some automated scheme has long been required to evaluate correctly this class of diagrams. We developed a fast algorithm and an implementation which automates necessary steps to generate from the representation of each Feynman diagram the FORTRAN codes for numerical integration. Currently those diagrams of tenth order are being evaluated.
