Proceedings to the 8th Workshop What Comes Beyond the Standard Models, Bled, July 19. - 29., 2005, Slovenia

Abstract in English

Contents: 1. Can MPP Together with Weinberg-Salam Higgs Provide Cosmological Inflation? (D.L. Bennett and H.B. Nielsen) 2. Conserved Charges in 3d Gravity With Torsion (M. Blagojevic and B. Cvetkovic) 3. Mass Matrices of Quarks and Leptons in the Approach Unifying Spins and Charges (A. Borstnik Bracic and N.S. Mankoc Borstnik) 4. Dark Matter From Encapsulated Atoms (C.D. Froggatt and H.B. Nielsen) 5. Dirac Sea for Bosons Also and SUSY for Single Particles (Y. Habara, H.B. Nielsen and M. Ninomiya) 6. Searching for Boundary Conditions in Kaluza-Klein-like Theories (D. Lukman, N.S. Mankoc Borstnik and H. B. Nielsen) 7. Second Quantization of Spinors and Clifford Algebra Objects (N.S. Mankoc Borstnik and H. B. Nielsen) 8. Are there Interesting Problems That Could Increase Understanding of Physics and Mathematics? (R. Mirman) 9. Noncommutative Nonsingular Black Holes (P. Nicolini) 10. Compactified Time and Likely Entropy -- World Inside Time Machine: Closed Time-like Curve (H.B. Nielsen and M. Ninomiya) + Astri Kleppes Song.
