Chiral condensates from tau decay: a critical reappraisal

Abstract in English

The saturation of QCD chiral sum rules is reanalyzed in view of the new and complete analysis of the ALEPH experimental data on the difference between vector and axial-vector correlators (V-A). Ordinary finite energy sum rules (FESR) exhibit poor saturation up to energies below the tau-lepton mass. A remarkable improvement is achieved by introducing pinched, as well as minimizing polynomial integral kernels. Both methods are used to determine the dimension d=6 and d=8 vacuum condensates in the Operator Product Expansion, with the results: {O}_{6}=-(0.00226 pm 0.00055) GeV^6, and O_8=-(0.0053 pm 0.0033) GeV^8 from pinched FESR, and compatible values from the minimizing polynomial FESR. Some higher dimensional condensates are also determined, although we argue against extending the analysis beyond dimension d = 8. The value of the finite remainder of the (V-A) correlator at zero momentum is also redetermined: Pi (0)= -4 bar{L}_{10}=0.02579 pm 0.00023. The stability and precision of the predictions are significantly improved compared to earlier calculations using the old ALEPH data. Finally, the role and limits of applicability of the Operator Product Expansion in this channel are clarified.
