Multi-Dimensional mSUGRA Likelihood Maps

Abstract in English

We calculate the likelihood map in the full 7 dimensional parameter space of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) assuming universal boundary conditions on the supersymmetry breaking terms. Simultaneous variations of m_0, A_0, M_{1/2}, tan beta, m_t, m_b and alpha_s(M_Z) are applied using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We use measurements of b -> s gamma, (g-2)_mu and Omega_{DM} h^2 in order to constrain the model. We present likelihood distributions for some of the sparticle masses, for the branching ratio of B_s^0 -> mu^+ mu^- and for m_{stau}-m_{chi_1^0}. An upper limit of 2.10^{-8} on this branching ratio might be achieved at the Tevatron, and would rule out 29% of the currently allowed likelihood. If one allows for non thermal-neutralino components of dark matter, this fraction becomes 35%. The mass ordering allows the important cascade decay squark_L -> chi_2^0 -> slepton_R -> chi_1^0 with a likelihood of 24+/-4%. The stop coannihilation region is highly disfavoured, whereas the light Higgs region is marginally disfavoured.
