Glueball spectrum based on a rigorous three-dimensional relativistic equation for two-gluon bound states I: Derivation of the relativistic equation

Abstract in English

A rigorous three-dimensional relativistic equation satisfied by two-gluon bound states is derived from the QCD with massive gluons. With the gluon fields and the quark fields being expanded in terms of the gluon multipole fields and the spherical Dirac spinors respectively, the equation is well established in the angular momentum representation and hence is much convenient for solving the problem of two-gluon glueball spectra. In particular, the interaction kernel in the equation is exactly derived and given a closed expression which includes all the interactions taking place in the two-gluon glueballs. The kernel contains only a few types of Greens functions and commutators. Therefore, it is not only easily calculated by the perturbation method, but also provides a suitable basis for nonperturbative investigations.
