Volume Dependence of the Pion Mass from Renormalization Group Flows

Abstract in English

We investigate finite volume effects on the pion mass and the pion decay constant with renormalization group (RG) methods in the framework of a phenomenological model for QCD. An understanding of such effects is important in order to interpret results from lattice QCD and extrapolate reliably from finite lattice volumes to infinite volume. We consider the quark-meson-model in a finite Euclidean 3+1 dimensional volume. In order to break chiral symmetry in the finite volume, we introduce a small current quark mass. In the corresponding effective potential for the meson fields, the chiral O(4)-symmetry is broken explicitly, and the sigma and pion fields are treated individually. Using the proper-time renormalization group, we derive renormalization group flow equations in the finite volume and solve these equations in the approximation of a constant expectation value. We calculate the volume dependence of pion mass and pion decay constant and compare our results with recent results from chiral perturbation theory in finite volume.
