Predictions for $e^+e^-to J/psi eta_c$ with Light-Cone Wave-Functions

Abstract in English

Predictions for $e^+e^-to J/psi eta_c$ from previous studies are made by taking charmonia as a nonrelativistic bound state and by using nonrelativistic QCD(NRQCD) approach. The predicted cross-section is smaller by an order of magnitude than the experimentally observed. We study the process by taking charm quark as a light quark and use light-cone wave-functions to parameterize nonperturbative effects related to charmonia. The total cross section of $e^+e^-to J/psi eta_c$ can be predicted, if these wave-functions are known. Motivated by studies of light-cone wave-functions of light hadrons, we make a reasonable assumption of the forms of light-cone wave-functions. With these light-cone wave-functions we can obtain the cross section which is more closer to the experimentally observed than that from NRQCD approach. We also discuss in detail the difference between two approaches.
