Neutrinoless double beta decay in SO(10) inspired seesaw models

Abstract in English

By requiring the lower limit for the lightest right-handed neutrino mass, obtained in the baryogenesis from leptogenesis scenario, and a Dirac neutrino mass matrix similar to the up-quark mass matrix we predict small values for the $ u_e$ mass and for the matrix element $m_{ee}$ responsible of the neutrinoless double beta decay, $m_{ u_e}$ around $5cdot10^{-3}$ eV and $m_{ee}$ smaller than $ 10^{-3}$ eV, respectively. The allowed range for the mass of the heaviest right-handed neutrino is centered around the value of the scale of B - L breaking in the SO(10) gauge theory with Pati-Salam intermediate symmetry.
