Yukawa coupling unification and non-universal gaugino mediation of supersymmetry breaking

Abstract in English

The requirement of Yukawa coupling unification highly constrains the SUSY parameter space. In several SUSY breaking scenarios it is hard to reconcile Yukawa coupling unification with experimental constraints from B(b->s gamma) and the muon anomalous magnetic moment a_mu. We show that b-tau or even t-b-tau Yukawa unification can be satisfied simultaneously with b->s gamma and a_mu in the non-universal gaugino mediation scenario. Non-universal gaugino masses naturally appear in higher dimensional grand unified models in which gauge symmetry is broken by orbifold compactification. Relations between SUSY contributions to fermion masses, b->s gamma and a_mu which are typical for models with universal gaugino masses are relaxed. Consequently, these phenomenological constraints can be satisfied simultaneously with a relatively light SUSY spectrum, compared to models with universal gaugino masses.
